FOAM Output Variables
Since I get many questions on what’s contained in FOAM output, here’s a list of all the variables contained in the standard atmosphere, coupler, and ocean output files.
Atmosphere Output | |
ALB | Albedo |
ALBCLR | Clear sky albedo |
CLDHGH | Vertically-integrated, random overlap, total cloud amount |
CLDLOW | Vertically-integrated, random overlap, low cloud amount |
CLDMED | Vertically-integrated, random overlap, mid-level cloud amount |
CLDTOT | Vertically-integraed, random overlap, total cloud amount |
CLOUD | Cloud fraction |
CMFDQ | Q tendency - moist convetsion |
CMFDT | T tendency-moist convection |
CMFMC | Moist convection mass flux |
CNVCLD | Random overlap total convective cloud amount |
DC01 | convective adjustment tendency |
DTCOND | T tendency - convective adjustment |
DTH | T horizontal diffusive heating |
DTV | T vertical diffusion |
FLNS | Net longwave flux at surface |
FLNSC | Clearsky net longwave flux at surface |
FLNT | Net longwave flux at top |
FLNTC | Clearsky net longwave flux at top |
FLUT | Top of Atmosphere Outgoing Longwave Flux |
FLUTC | Clearsky Top of Atmosphere Outgoing Longwave Flux |
FSDS | Flux Shortwave Downwelling at Surface |
FSDSC | Clearsky Flux Shortwave Downwelling at Surface |
FSNS | Net solar flux at surface |
FSNSC | Clearsky net solor flux at surface |
FSNT | Net solar flux at top |
FSNTC | Clearsky net solar flux at top |
FSNTOA | Net Solar Flux at the Top of the Atmosphere |
FSNTOAC | Clearsky Net Solar Flux at the Top of the Atmosphere |
LHFLX | Surface latent heat flux |
LWCF | Longwave Cloud Forcing |
OMEGA | Vertical pressure velocity |
ORO | ocean(0), land(1), sea ice(2) |
PBLH | Planetary Boundary Layer Height |
PHIS | surface geopotential |
PRECC | Convective precipitation rate |
PRECL | Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate |
PRECSC | Convective snow rate (water equivalent) |
PRECSL | Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) |
PS | surface pressure |
PSL | Sea level pressure |
Q | specific humidity |
QFLX | Surface water flux |
QPERT | Perturbation specific humidity (eddies in PBL) |
QRL | Longwave heating rate |
QRS | Solar heating rate |
RELHUM | Relative humidity |
SHFLX | Surface sensible heat flux |
SNOWH | Water equivalent snow depth |
SOLIN | Solar insolation |
SRFRAD | Net radiative flux at surface |
SWCF | Shortwave Cloud Forcing |
T | temperature |
TAUGWX | East-west gravity wave drag surface stress |
TAUGWY | North-south gravity wave drag surface stress |
TAUX | X-component (eat-weat) at surface stress |
TAUY | Y-component (north-south) of surface stress |
TMQ | Water Vapor |
TPERT | Perturbation temperature (eddies in PBL) |
TS1 | Surface temperature (level 1) |
TS2 | Subsurface temperature (level 2) |
TS3 | Subsurface temperature (level 3) |
TS4 | Subsurface temperature (level 4) |
U | zonal wind component |
USTAR | Surface friction velocity |
UTGW | U tendency - gravity wave drag |
V | meridional wind component |
VD01 | vertical diffusion tenency of water vapor |
VQ | Meridional water transport |
VT | Meridional heat transport |
VTGW | V tendency - gravity wave drag |
VVPUU | Kenetic Energy |
VZ | Meridional transport |
WET | Soil moisture |
Z3 | Geopotential Height |
EVP | moisture flux |
FRAC | ice fraction |
ICET1 | ice layer 1 temp |
ICET2 | ice layer 2 temp |
INTERT | interface temp |
LHF | latent heat flux |
LWV | longwave out |
MELTP | melt potential |
OHEAT | ocean heat forcing field |
OPREC | precip from atm |
OQFLX | ocean freshwater forcing field |
ORNF | runoff into the ocean |
ORO | land mask |
RAD | surface radiation |
RNF | land runoff |
SHF | sensible heat flux |
SNDPTH | snow depth |
SNM | snow melt |
SNOWT | snow temp |
TAUX | ocean taux foring field |
TAUY | ocean tauy forcing filed |
THCK | seaice thickness flag |
TSSUB1 | top soil layer temp |
TSSUB2 | soil temp layer 2 |
TSSUB3 | soil temp layer 3 |
TSSUB4 | bottom soil temp layer |
VOLR | river volume |
WS | soil moisture |
CONVEC | Upper Ocean Convective adjustment frequencey |
CONVEC2 | Deep Ocean Convective adjustment frequencey |
Currents | Currents |
HEATF | Ocean heat forcing |
P | Normalized perturbation presure |
S | Salinity |
SALTF | Sfc salinity tendency due to freshwater forcing |
Sconv | Surface layer S convective adjustment |
Sconvm1 | Near surface layer S convective adjustment |
Szz | Surface layer S vertical mixing |
Szzm1 | Near surface layer S vertical mixing |
T | Temperature |
TAUX | X-component (east-west) of surface stress |
TAUY | Y-component (north-south) of surface stress |
Tconv | Surface layer T convective adjustment |
Tconvm1 | Near surface layer T convective adjustment |
Tzz | Surface layer T vertical mixing |
Tzzm1 | Near surface layer T vertical mixing |
U | Zonal current component |
V | Meridional current component |
W | Vertical velocity |