FOAM Output Variables


Since I get many questions on what’s contained in FOAM output, here’s a list of all the variables contained in the standard atmosphere, coupler, and ocean output files.

Atmosphere Output  
ALB Albedo
ALBCLR Clear sky albedo
CLDHGH Vertically-integrated, random overlap, total cloud amount
CLDLOW Vertically-integrated, random overlap, low cloud amount
CLDMED Vertically-integrated, random overlap, mid-level cloud amount
CLDTOT Vertically-integraed, random overlap, total cloud amount
CLOUD Cloud fraction
CMFDQ Q tendency - moist convetsion
CMFDT T tendency-moist convection
CMFMC Moist convection mass flux
CNVCLD Random overlap total convective cloud amount
DC01 convective adjustment tendency
DTCOND T tendency - convective adjustment
DTH T horizontal diffusive heating
DTV T vertical diffusion
FLNS Net longwave flux at surface
FLNSC Clearsky net longwave flux at surface
FLNT Net longwave flux at top
FLNTC Clearsky net longwave flux at top
FLUT Top of Atmosphere Outgoing Longwave Flux
FLUTC Clearsky Top of Atmosphere Outgoing Longwave Flux
FSDS Flux Shortwave Downwelling at Surface
FSDSC Clearsky Flux Shortwave Downwelling at Surface
FSNS Net solar flux at surface
FSNSC Clearsky net solor flux at surface
FSNT Net solar flux at top
FSNTC Clearsky net solar flux at top
FSNTOA Net Solar Flux at the Top of the Atmosphere
FSNTOAC Clearsky Net Solar Flux at the Top of the Atmosphere
LHFLX Surface latent heat flux
LWCF Longwave Cloud Forcing
OMEGA Vertical pressure velocity
ORO ocean(0), land(1), sea ice(2)
PBLH Planetary Boundary Layer Height
PHIS surface geopotential
PRECC Convective precipitation rate
PRECL Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate
PRECSC Convective snow rate (water equivalent)
PRECSL Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent)
PS surface pressure
PSL Sea level pressure
Q specific humidity
QFLX Surface water flux
QPERT Perturbation specific humidity (eddies in PBL)
QRL Longwave heating rate
QRS Solar heating rate
RELHUM Relative humidity
SHFLX Surface sensible heat flux
SNOWH Water equivalent snow depth
SOLIN Solar insolation
SRFRAD Net radiative flux at surface
SWCF Shortwave Cloud Forcing
T temperature
TAUGWX East-west gravity wave drag surface stress
TAUGWY North-south gravity wave drag surface stress
TAUX X-component (eat-weat) at surface stress
TAUY Y-component (north-south) of surface stress
TMQ Water Vapor
TPERT Perturbation temperature (eddies in PBL)
TS1 Surface temperature (level 1)
TS2 Subsurface temperature (level 2)
TS3 Subsurface temperature (level 3)
TS4 Subsurface temperature (level 4)
U zonal wind component
USTAR Surface friction velocity
UTGW U tendency - gravity wave drag
V meridional wind component
VD01 vertical diffusion tenency of water vapor
VQ Meridional water transport
VT Meridional heat transport
VTGW V tendency - gravity wave drag
VVPUU Kenetic Energy
VZ Meridional transport
WET Soil moisture
Z3 Geopotential Height


EVPmoisture flux
FRACice fraction
ICET1ice layer 1 temp
ICET2ice layer 2 temp
INTERTinterface temp
LHFlatent heat flux
LWVlongwave out
MELTPmelt potential
OHEATocean heat forcing field
OPRECprecip from atm
OQFLXocean freshwater forcing field
ORNFrunoff into the ocean
OROland mask
RADsurface radiation
RNFland runoff
SHFsensible heat flux
SNDPTHsnow depth
SNMsnow melt
SNOWTsnow temp
TAUXocean taux foring field
TAUYocean tauy forcing filed
THCKseaice thickness flag
TSSUB1top soil layer temp
TSSUB2soil temp layer 2
TSSUB3soil temp layer 3
TSSUB4bottom soil temp layer
VOLRriver volume
WSsoil moisture


CONVECUpper Ocean Convective adjustment frequencey
CONVEC2Deep Ocean Convective adjustment frequencey
HEATFOcean heat forcing
PNormalized perturbation presure
SALTFSfc salinity tendency due to freshwater forcing
SconvSurface layer S convective adjustment
Sconvm1Near surface layer S convective adjustment
SzzSurface layer S vertical mixing
Szzm1Near surface layer S vertical mixing
TAUXX-component (east-west) of surface stress
TAUYY-component (north-south) of surface stress
TconvSurface layer T convective adjustment
Tconvm1Near surface layer T convective adjustment
TzzSurface layer T vertical mixing
Tzzm1Near surface layer T vertical mixing
UZonal current component
VMeridional current component
WVertical velocity
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